
Following dam removal, outdoor recreation opportunities along the Klamath River will be transformed. Existing reservoir-based recreation opportunities will be replaced by entirely new and invaluable opportunities for high quality, outdoor recreation centered around a restored free-flowing Klamath River.

KRRC worked with state and federal agencies, Tribal Nations, whitewater and fishing outfitters and associations, economic development organizations, local residents, and other interested parties to develop a Recreation Plan to support the public’s access to experience the renewed river. This included identifying existing facilities within the project boundary that will be modified in order to connect them to the new river route, as well as identifying sites to replace those (e.g., reservoir recreation areas) that were removed as part of the dam removal project.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the Recreation Plan as part of the overall project. KRRC and the States of California and Oregon (the principal successor landowners), in consultation with recreation outfitters, Tribes, and local residents, are advancing efforts to support the transformed recreation opportunities. Additional information regarding recreation access sites is below.

Oregon Recreation Sites

Proposed Site #1: Pioneer Park West

  • Access from Highway 66
  • Existing site no longer provides shoreline access after dam removal and needs to be modified
  • Will serve as take-out location for the Keno run upstream and a put-in for the Upper Big Bend run downstream

Proposed Site #2: Moonshine Falls

  • Access from Highway 66 and dirt access road
  • New site will be constructed below the former JC Boyle dam
  • Will serve as a put-in location for the Big Bend run, which will be located in the former JC Boyle Bypass Reach, and a take-out for the upstream Upper Big Bend run

California Recreation Sites

Proposed Site #1: Copco Valley

  • Access from Copco Road
  • New site will be constructed to provide access through Copco Valley
  • Will provide a take-out location upstream of Ward’s Canyon and a put-in location for the Wards Canyon Run

Proposed Site #2: Fall Creek

  • Access from Daggett Road via Copco Road
  • Existing site will be modified to provide river access following dam removal
  • Will serve as a take-out for the Wards Canyon Run and a put-in for the Iron Gate Run

Proposed Site #3: Iron Gate

  • Access from Copco Road
  • New site will be constructed below the former Iron Gate dam site
  • Will serve as a take-out location upstream of the Iron Gate Run and a put-in for the easier section of river downstream of the former Iron Gate dam site

Recreation Plan Materials